Wednesday, 28 February 2018

30 Paintings - Day 28

I often think that the hardest part of being an artist is not the painting but coming up with names for finished pieces. Take today's painting, for instance.
#1093 - ?????? - 9 x 12 acrylic on watercolour paper
I have no idea what to call this painting! I rather like it but it doesn't remind me of anything that I can use as a title. Maybe some of you might have an idea or two.

I think that I have finally  run out of steam for the challenge. Luckily I have a couple of extra paintings done because, although I prepped a few more canvases, I have lost my inclination to paint - at least for today!.

If you are interested in seeing some of the work from the other artists in the challenge, here is the link - Leslie's Blog

Thanks for visiting and if you can help with a name for this painting that would be great!


  1. Fire on the Falls. I remember seeing something like that in a photo. A celebration or something. But Don't ask me where. LOL. Could also be a cliff face with overgrown grasses on top. LOve it no matter Val. I am ready for rest too ;)

    1. A super suggestion Sheila altho I think I would add some orange to the yellow to make it more 'fire'. I had a couple of people suggest 'Roots' or 'A Slice of Earth' which works with 'Cliff Face' too. This will have to sit awhile I think. Thanks for your ideas - only 2 more to go!!!

  2. That's funny, Val - I love the name choosing as much as the painting, I think. Sheila's suggestion of Fire on the Hills is a good one. My first thought was 'I Lift My Eyes', because of the high horizon (which I love, by the way). It also reminds me of a waterfall, so Waterfall Dance could work as well...and on and on..... :D

    1. Thanks so much Win - it seems you do like naming art - two good ideas in one paragraph when I couldn't come up with one. So many people have given me good ideas, now I have to choose one - another chore - lol
