This is a long one - lol.
It seems that this year a number of my artist friends are thinking about promoting their art as well as creating.
Last week a friend asked me about having a Facebook art page or a web page. Another friend is finally sharing some of her paintings on Google+. One of my blogging friends has started a web page with FASO and is also trying out for design stuff. Then on February 1st, Leslie Saeta wrote a blog about blogging.
All of these things got me thinking (again) about how to promote my art and how to get my name out there. How do we go from being artists to being business people AND how to we do it cheaply? Lets face it, most of us do not make enough at our art to spend big bucks on promotion: neither do we have the skills to do the work ourselves. Plus, do we want to spend a lot of our time on promotion?
Is social media the answer? Here is an excerpt from
Leslie's blog on blogging,
"Another big difference is that social media has made it a lot easier for bloggers to build a following. Create a blog and then share your message on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. Find followers and entice them to follow your blog. Ask your followers to share your message and the next thing you know your blog has thousands of followers. With some work you may end up with tens of thousands of followers. For the hard working bloggers you may end up with over a million followers."
I think the key word above is "entice" which is not easy to accomplish.
Out of curiosity I decided to do a Google search of my name. Then I did a search for Mellowood Studio which is the name of most of my social media pages and my home gallery. I found my name 11 times in the first 5 pages and the Mellowood name over 10 times in the first 2 pages. BUT, the questions remain: how do people know what name to search for? and, how do you get them to follow you, once they do find you?
These are a few of the links where people can find me and my art. BTW, my Etsy shop is empty but is still getting new followers which I find amusing.
My Handmade at Amazon store,
my GoBC entry,
my Facebook Art Page,
my Blog,
my Pinterest page,
my Web page,
an entry in artsillistrated on-line magazine,
my Esty shop,
my Google+ page,
my Creston Arts Council profile
I could probably spend many hours a week on promotion but I think I would rather paint!
On another note, I haven't been doing any painting lately as my time has been used shovelling snow or recuperating from the shovelling. Here are some pictures of my yard.
the courtyard last week |
the front walk 3 days ago |
icicles hanging from the snow above the courtyard |
the courtyard from the kitchen window 2 days ago |
the view from Bob's office 2 days ago |
the front walk today after the snow came off the roof |
the view from Bob's office today after the snow came off the roof |
the courtyard today |
This past week has been a real challenge; trying to keep the 200 metre long driveway through the forest clear has been the hardest part. Here is a picture of part of the driveway from a few years ago.
heading to the road |
And, a couple from the same spot today.
heading to the road today |
Heading to the house today |
I am so looking forward to spring!