Monday, 20 February 2017

Another Busy Week

My husband and I are always saying that it is a good thing we are retired because we don't have time for a job. We also don't have time for that other problem - boredom. There is always something to do!

I currently have three private students and, although the snow two weeks ago cancelled classes, we are back on schedule. Most of the time I don't get a completed painting when I am teaching because I am demonstrating the techniques. But, last week I was able to do a painting that I really liked.
#1009 - Sunset Memories - 7 x 10 watercolour
We worked from a photo my student found on the internet. I made some changes to my painting while Ed stuck with what he saw in the photo. BTW - Most of my students don't like me taking photos of their work - especially a WIP.

Something else that has kept me busy for the last while is adding labels to my blog posts and putting hashtags on my Facebook and Google+ posts. Using hashtags is new to me and I have trouble remembering to use them, but I think they could be a good tool. When someone clicks on a hashtag a number of posts from different people, who also use them, will be accessed. This potentially gives me a wider range of people who will see my paintings, not just my friends and followers. The labels are a bit different; they only refer to my blog. However, this can be useful too. For instance, when I briefly mentioned starting my bedding plants this year a couple of people asked me about that. Now, the labels will take them to a previous post all about that subject.

I have also been doing a bit of quilling lately. Using some photos from the internet as reference, I made some new Christmas ornament designs and some new cards.

Quilled Dragonfly with Poppy Card

Quilled Dragonfly with Primrose Card

And finally, I have signed up for Kat Sloma's Liberate Your Art postcard exchange. If you haven't heard about this you can find out about it here - Kat's page  Luckily I have lots of cards on hand that I was able to modify to fit the postcard guidelines and they will be in the mail later this week.

That is just a few of the things that have been keeping me hopping. I keep wondering when life is going to slow down but I figure that busy is better than bored - lol.

Thanks for stopping by and please leave a comment.


  1. The painting turned out lovely Val and it's good to be busy!

    1. Thanks Laura. It is good to be busy but being able to relax is good too; one just needs to find the happy medium.

  2. WOW, you are busy Val, good for you! High five for tackling labels and hastags. I need to work on that, I always forget too. Everything looks great! Love the angels and the dragonflies. Can't believe you are getting ahead on Christmas, go you!

    1. Ha ha Sheila - I guess I am getting ahead on Christmas but it was more about being influenced by all the snow. Those hashtags and labels are such an after-thought - we both need to work on them. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I love this painting, Val! So serene. I wouldn't have a clue about hashtags, but you have challenged me. Thanks!

    1. Thanks Laurie, glad you like the painting. I don't know how many people click on the hashtags but I definitely think they are worth using in our social media, so give them a try.

  4. Lovely painting, Val, and I know just how busy you manage to keep. It's a good thing, too, don't you think? Supposedly you can manage to keep out of trouble that way. ;-)

    1. Ha, ha Win - Bob always says my art keeps me out of the bar. Glad you like this painting. Have a great day!

  5. Love the painting...excellent colors and mood. Great quilled pieces, especially the angel. I always forget to use hashtags on my FB posts too. I've started doing Instagram and have been making a conscious effort to use them there. I should probably do that on FB too. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks for you comment on the painting and the quilling. Joan. You are the second person today that mentioned Instagram - maybe that is something I need to look into. Hopefully, the hastags will soon become second nature - yeah right! Have a great evening!.
