I don't just get my summer color from painting, I get it from the world around me. My home in the country is surrounded by forest so every day I see the bright greens and the dark shadows of the forest as the sun moves across the sky and the patterns change.
my front yard |
In contrast to the forest, my yard is filled with flowers in pots and gardens giving me a show of vibrant colors and offering birds, bees and butterflies natural nectar.
the view from my kitchen window |
I start most of my flowers from seed I harvest every fall or purchase from seed catalogues. Once summer hits I spend about 2 hours every day watering, deadheading and weeding. I try to get all the gardening done before the weather gets too hot.
self-seeded poppy |
This style of poppy has been in my garden so long that I don't know where it came from. It seeds itself every year but when I harvest the seeds they never seem to 'take'.
a salvia |
I will harvest seeds from everywhere; friends gardens or flower pots I pass in the town of Creston. The small pink flower in the above photo was harvested from one of the town's pots. I don't know what it is called but I think it is a salvia. I have it in red too and the hummingbirds love them.
In my courtyard |
From spring to late fall my gardens are a constantly changing delight - lots of work but worth it to me.