One of my other dimensions is my garden flowers. For the last few years I have been harvesting my own seeds and starting my own bedding plants. (I often collect more than I will plant so I can use the leftovers in my mixed media art.)
I collect around 20 different kinds of seeds in the late summer and early fall, dry them, separate out the chaff and store them till January.
By the time it is warm enough to move my plants to the greenhouse I often have a few flowers blooming.
I don't know if starting my own flowers this way is cost effective but I enjoy the doing and the end result.
It is so nice to have all the bright color surrounding us all summer that the work involved becomes insignificant
Of course, I have to take a few steps to reduce the depredations of the deer that wander through the property.

It was fun to do - one of the few times I have enjoyed plein-air painting. Gardening and painting - two activities - two joys!