Saturday, 31 January 2015

Challenge Collage Jan. 2015

The Challenge is over but there was one last chore to do - create a collage of all the paintings I did during the month. This was a new endeavour for me and another learning experience. Thanks to my Challenge and Google+ friend  Sheila for her encouragement. You can see Sheila's challenge work here - Here is mine!

Challenge Collage Jan. 2015

Following the link to Picmonkey then following directions was reasonably successful although I couldn't figure out how to add text to my collage. This is not a big problem as I can add a caption here - lol

Most of the paintings done during the month have been my attempts at learning Oriental Style painting. I can see my progress and feel I have a reasonably good grasp on the technique. This style will be something I will come back to from time to time over the years.

Check out Leslie's blog to see everyone's collages - - and also Sea Dean's blog to place your final votes and to see who won when! -


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Connie. It was so great to 'meet' so many artists through this challenge. I am sure we will see more of each other.

  2. Congratulations on completing the challenge, it has been wonderful to see your work!

    1. Thank you Rolina, I am glad you have enjoyed seeing my 'challenge' paintings.

  3. Val you did it! Yay! Great collage. Your work has been so beautiful this month, as always. Congratulations on learning new methods :) And congrats on finishing! talk to you soon :)

    1. Thanks Sheila - it is all your fault - lol - ttyl

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Laurie. I am glad you like my art from the challenge.
