Tuesday, 22 September 2015

September Challenge Day 22

Today's art is the culmination of a project I started back in the hot days of summer.  I had been doing some fabric painting and decided to make a few "Hot Weather Scarves" - scarves filled with gel crystals. Once these crystals are soaked in water and expand they stay cool for many hours and feel wonderful against a bare neck.
Hot Weather Scarves
All of the scarves are made with cotton and are painted with acrylic paint and fabric medium. The sections with the crystals range from 16 inches to 23 inches and the scarves, of course, are long enough to overlap in front to be pinned or tied.

 I hope to sell the Hot Weather Scarves, for, although the summer has passed there is always next year!


  1. Wow! So cool (get it?)! A great idea. I know you could sell them year round.

    1. Thanks Laurie. Ha, ha. We are lucky if we have 6 weeks of weather warm enough for these scarves and I find most people just think in the moment - lol.

  2. Yes, you could sell them year round here in So Cal. They are lovely Val! I love all of the patterns. And the fact that they are handmade makes them special :)

    1. Thanks Sheila. The patterns are from my hand made stamps and I had fun matching them to create interesting pieces. Too bad I don't live in So Cal lol. Most people here don't think about hot weather until we have hot weather, then they complain that it is too hot - crazy!

  3. oh yes I am very familiar with these sort of "scarves" because it gets extremely hot in Oklahoma! You know what, Val? at first when I saw the pic, I thought it was sweets haha. I'm sure they will sell well :)

    1. Sweets! I love that! I guess if they don't sell here I will put them in my Etsy shop and aim them at Oklahoma and So Cal. - lol. thanks for stopping by Cindy!
