Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Busy, busy busy!

It is that time of year again when there is too much to do and not enough time. Most of last week I was writing up some history notes on artists that used to belong to the Creston Art Club. The local Arts Council and the Focus on Youth committee are putting on a display this week: Artists in our Community - Past, Present and Future. I offered to collect and take charge of paintings by a number of artists, hence the history notes. Here are some photos of the show.

I had also volunteered to do a demo at the show based on the workshop I took last year that was sponsored in part by the Creston Arts Council. Although I did the workshop in acrylics I decided to do the demo in watercolours. I ended up having the grade 8 art class come and watch me for about 45 minutes. The demo was on Colour Contrast and I choose to do Value and Colour (hue). Here are the paintings I did.

BTW I painted these upside-down and holding my painting boards up so the students could sit while they watched me. The drawing were done ahead of time. It was an interesting experience!

I have also been busy in the garden, my little greenhouse, taking in some art for the museum gift shop, helping my husband with some tree removal etc. etc. etc. And I still have things on my to do list - like I said - busy, busy, busy.


  1. Whew! I guess. Looks like you are having some fun too though. Can not believe you did those upside down. Enjoy Val!

    1. Thanks Sheila. I am having fun in spite of the busyness. Painting up-side-down is not as hard as painting with my left hand and I have done that too - lol.

  2. The exhibit looks great! Don’t know if I could Wouk upside down.

    1. Hi Joan. Glad you took some time out of your holiday to comment - which made me laugh btw. I know I couldn't sketch everyday the way you do so I am glad I do something you don't.

  3. It sounds like you are very busy! Looks like the art exhibit was a good one! Amazing that you can create such a beautiful painting upside down!

    1. Hi Cathy. The exhibit was great - so much work for only 4 days - sigh. I have had a fair bit of practicing painting upside-down as I often do little demos for my students and it is easier than having them stand around a table watching me. Thanks for commenting.

  4. Whew, got to admit that you wore me out!!! First of all you have so many talented artists, looked great and the display of pictures was super. And, me too, can't believe you did those upside down. And switching from acrylics to watercolor - you are one brave lady!! Glad you are feeling so good and can't wait to see the garden pictures come - isn't Spring exciting?

    1. Hi Nelvia. Spring is exciting, watching the plants poke out of the soil but it is a lot of work too. We are lucky here that we have so many talented artists and the kids coming up show amazing skill too. It is so nice to give the kids a chance to exhibit and to see their work in a professional setting. As for, my paintings; watercolour is my preferred medium so the switch was easy and painting upside-down is just about practice. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. A great show, Val - thanks for all your work to make it so!

    1. Thanks Win. It was a great show and I really didn't do much for the whole show - just some Art Club participation stuff and sending out emails. I was glad to see some of your work on display.

  6. Looks like a great show! And your demo painting is beautiful! Can't imagine doing that upside down! Thanks for stopping in to see me.

    1. It was a good show and some of the kids show remarkable talent. I am glad you like my demo painting - like everything it just takes practice! Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Upside down? Wow. That's skill!
