quilled house plant ornaments |
As the weather improves, my thoughts are turning more to my garden and bedding plants than to art. I plan to slow down a bit and get back to basics so I am just going to focus on drawing for a while.
I picked up a fun book at a artist's book sale; Draw Medieval Fantasies by Damon J Reinagle. I think they should have added the word Cartoons but the drawings are fun and way outside my norm. I will work on these mostly when I go to the Art Club's painting days.
And finally, I have decided what to do with this painting.
I had a number of people respond to my call for help. The majority of the comments were to leave the painting alone because - they liked it! A few artist friends made some very good suggestions and I tried them out on some mylar laid over the original. I also turned the painting sideways and studied it for a while. Nothing seemed to work and the more I looked at the piece the more I liked it as is. Now I have to come up with a title - sigh!
Thanks to all of you who helped with my decision - I really appreciate your comments and hope you will keep it up!