Monday, 26 June 2017

The Last Party of the Season

Well, summer has hit us with some heat finally and it was so nice to be able to set up in the cool basement for the last Watercolour Painting Party of the season.

I only had five participants this weekend so it made everything go very smoothly. Another advantage was that they all had some experience with watercolours.

Here are the photos of the work created:
Heather and her Derelict Boat

Closeup of Heather's painting

Eileen's Lighthouse

closeup of the Lighthouse

Jane with her Summer Veranda
closeup of Jane's painting

Mike and Rhonda with their paintings

Rhonda's Flower Garden

Mike's Rickety Old Barn
Everyone was very happy with their finished paintings and I think some of them will be back in the fall for another Painting Party.


  1. Looks like they all did a great job! I love how they all paint such large pieces. It must be gratifying to see them finish so well.

    1. It really is gratifying, Joan. As for the size of the paintings, that is what I decide. For the Vignettes and the Building in Fog parties, I transfer the scenes onto 11 x 15 sheets of watercolour paper and they also get the 16 x 20 mat so all they need is a frame. For the Little Guys parties, people get to paint two 5 x 7 pictures and get 8 x 10 frames to go with the finished pieces. I have had people say that they find the large paintings easier to do than the small ones but either way, everyone has done a super job, this year and last year. Thanks for stopping by Joan.

  2. You do such a bang-up job on your classes, Val - I love seeing all those happy watercolourists!!!

    1. Thanks Win, it is always so nice when the 'students' are so pleased with their work and when others see the excellence too.
